Stream C is the range of square and edgebanding machines which enables both squaring and edgebanding operations to be carried out using a single system, on both the transverse and longitudinal sides of a panel. These reliable, high-performance machines deliver high levels of productivity.
The Biesse Stream C range is designed to ensure maximum production efficiency. Reliable and performance-focused, this machine is equipped with a host of technological solutions designed to meet specific requirements, whilst responding to the highest productivity demands. Biesse squaring and edgebanding machines feature a rigid, reliable monolithic base, ensuring high levels of precision throughout the life of the machine, reducing the risk of vibration to zero. The rolling belt guarantees maximum reliability even at high working speeds. Thanks to the special profile of the chain links and the exclusive APS (Anti Pulsing System) system, flection is reduced to nil. The highperformance machining units ensure minimal spacing between panels for high productivity.